Sibiu quality criteria and indicators: participation




Main aspects important for quality assurance in the case of a specific quality area (i.e. Participation)


What might indicate quality in the partnership?


What evidence is available to support the inclusion of the indicators?


Relevant key stakeholders are actively engaged in the partnership/network



A stakeholder is any person or organization, who can be positively or negatively impacted by, or cause an impact on the actions of the partnership / network.


Types of stakeholders are:  


  • Primary stakeholders : are those ultimately affected, either positively or negatively by the network's actions.


  • Secondary stakeholders : are the ‘intermediaries’, that is, persons or organizations who are indirectly affected by the network's actions.


  • Key stakeholders : (who can also belong to the first two groups) have significant influence upon or importance within the network.



Stakeholders of public and private organisations - including civil society organisations and social partners - are represented in the partnership/network.


Stakeholders are engaged in the partnership with relevant roles and tasks.


Stakeholders assume responsibilities assigned and have initiatives within the partnership/network


Inventories of stakeholders for specific areas (national, regional and local level).


Activity reports and other internal documents produced within the partnership/network.


Activity reports and other internal documents produced by individual stakeholders included in the partnership/network. 


Involves the wider public or community


Strategy, approach and methods to reaching out and involve different target groups are in place


Means of feedback and interactive communication are in place and accessible to different target groups


Website/database open to the public – interactive usage, frequency of visits to website/database


Regular use of social media


Growth of number of learners and contributions


Results gained from audit of outreach and awareness-building actions



Network is known and understood by general public


Promotional activities are defined, conducted and followed up on a regular basis


Dissemination plan in accordance with different audiences' needs


Initiatives make their way into the popular media 


In order to render transparent the network,


  • formal commitments made through agreements of collaboration and
  • resources allocated to the partnership (human, physical, financial, time etc.) are presented to the general public


Availability and number of items distributed, such as media, leaflets, posters, brochures


Analysis of informational needs of the different target groups


Review of dissemination activities in the light of the needs structures


Results gained from local media audit


Results gained from monitoring the degree of knowledge of the agreements and on the amount

and type of resources allocated to the partnership 



Clear measures to involve those most distant from learning opportunities



Targets informed by needs analysis or other consultation methods at Local Community Partnership level


User engagement evaluated and monitored. Statutory requirements



Besides key stakeholders, primary and secondary stakeholdershave a chance to express their needs, are involved in decision-making (governance) and review of network interventions


Feedback mechanisms are in place, which allow for


  • the expression of needs of persons or organizations, who are directly or indirectly affected by the partnership / network's actions,


  • review of network interventions in the light of primary and secondary stakeholder experience


Governance principles and methods are established, ensuring that primary and secondary stakeholders' voice is heard


Formal mechanisms for monitoring:


People reached through feedback means, such as public consultation, public hearings etc.


Number of people / organisations who use means of feedback, such as online forums, feedback forms, email contacts etc.


Number of inquiries, comments and suggestions received from actors / benificiaries not directly associated with the local network


Partnership is flexible, elastic and open for change Basis of partnership can be reviewed (changing to suit needs and challenges as they arise)


Stakeholder organisations might change representative and involvement basis


Assessment of key stakeholder agency review and evaluation process

Partner agreement 


What dissemination strategies exist to inform constituents?


Regular communications disseminated widely throughout city/region in variety of media, formats and languages where relevant


Regular Newsletters, Advertising, flyers and handouts disseminated in range of locations and in variety of media and formats